Liebster Award

Thank you so much, Claire of Coffee*Book*Mom for my Liebster award. It’s such an honor, not to mention a a pleasant surprise, knowing someone out there actually reads my blog. ❤

With that said, it’s my time to nominate. I read book reviews but I’m afraid some of the reviewers I dutifully follow don’t have a blog. Lol. I’ll still mention them here, but first, here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  2. Display the award on your blog.
  3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
  4. Nominate other blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers. Make sure you inform them.
  5. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.

Jho-sigstyledivAnswers to Claire’s 11 questions:

  1. What is/are your Favorite Book Genre(s)?

My current favorite genre is MM fiction and BL/Yaoi.

  1. Who is/are your inspirations in reading?

Hm. Can’t say it’s a who but what. I just love reading itself. Knowing that there’s another world out there other than mine, it’s what inspired me to read in the first place. Reading takes you to places, it’s what my sister told me when I was four, and she was right. 🙂 Been reading nonstop since.

  1. Who is/are the best new Author you discovered in 2014?

He is not new, but at least to me, he is. Josh Lanyon.

  1. What is/are your most anticipated book of 2015?

I’m a completist, or I try to be. Kinda hard to do that right now since I’m also writing myself, but I’m looking forward to reading the books my favorite authors will release. Josh Lanyon, Megan Derr, A.F. Henley, Jamie Lake, Mina Esguerra included. I’m also waiting for Dormaine G’s second installation of Connor. There are a lot more to that list, but I’m afraid I won’t finish if I try to enumerate all of them.

  1. What is/are your favorite children’s book?
  • The Velveteen Rabbit is a children’s novel written by Margery Williams
  • Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus.
  • Brightest by Joanne Crisner and Johann de Venecia with yours truly.

I contributed a bit on Brightest, and I know it seemed biased, and by explaining I feel defensive. *laughs* But, if you’ll look at my first two favorites, I’m actually into these kinds of books. I’m all about hope, the power of friendship and love, discovering one’s self, being real, living freely and being ourselves, never giving up, happiness, and triumph after a fall.

  1. Who is your favorite male fictional character of all time?

Okay. This is hard, and because of that, I won’t choose. 🙂

  1. Who is your current book boyfriend (and from what book?)

Hm. None. I don’t do the current book boyfriend thing. I love pairings, and for me, Sasuke is solely for Naruto (I didn’t read CH700 because I kind of have an idea of how it’ll end lol), Kit is for JX, Adrien is for Jake, Sorin is for Koray, Harry is for Hermione. Wait, that’s not how it happened, but yeah. *Laughs*

  1. Which do you prefer – eBooks or Printed books?

Both, but I’ll try to collect the hard copies of my favorite MM books starting this year. I just want to weep first at the shipping cost which is more bloody expensive than the book itself.

  1. What are you currently reading?

Silas Marner. I’m working on my memoir and it made me remember this book which was actually my deceased mother’s favorite. I’m just rereading it. I read it way back when I was 12, to try to get to my mother’s head—why she thought that book is good. Err, I found it crappy then, to be honest. I thought the story was unrealistic.

Oh, I had no doubt that people can betray their best friend. Just to be clear though, no best friend of mine betrayed me. It’s just that I experienced a lot of horrible things growing up it left no room for me to doubt that people are capable of anything, including betraying (and even killing) the people they profess to love.

At least the part that I couldn’t believe is that a person could love someone. Especially someone unrelated to them. People struggled to love their own flesh and blood, I’d known that first hand, what more a stranger?

I had a messed up childhood. Our father abandoned my siblings and me; and I saw how my uncle beat my cousin within an inch of his life but I’ve grown since. I now know that people are also capable of loving, I just didn’t realize it before all things considering. Because of this, I thought I should reread it and hopefully, this time, I’ll discover why my mother loved this book.

  1. Which do you prefer – Sci-Fi or Fantasy?

Except for my favorite genre which is MM fiction and BL/Yaoi, I hold other genres equal. All other things being equal (ceteris paribus): genre, length, book price, etc: if the prose and the writing style of the author is good, then I will read that book.

  1. Stand-alone or series?

Series, for some reason, if I love the author’s writing style, his/her story telling, I’d love the characters dearly, and it makes it hard for me to let go of them, and I’d feel happier seeing them in a series like their story would never end.

Jho-sigstyledivHere are my nominees (Please note that I didn’t check the number of their followers):

and Kuya D:

The last two don’t have blogs or at least don’t post their reviews on a blog, they post it in Goodreads instead. I included them anyway, because I love their reviews.


My 11 questions:

  1. What is your favorite genre?
  2. What is your earliest memory on reading?
  3. How old were you when you started reading for pleasure?
  4. What is your favorite book of all-time?
  5. What makes you read a book?
  6. Do you read MM fiction? If yes, what made you decide to read one? If not, would you try reading one?
  7. Who is your favorite author and why?
  8. Do you read books with tragic endings? Why or why not.
  9. Ebooks or printed?
  10. Favorite rereads?
  11. Do you read memoirs?
  12. Okay, so I know it should only be 11 questions, but: Standalone or series?

11 thoughts on “Liebster Award

    • 😀 Oh, I love him. I cried buckets reading The Chase and The Catch. ❤

      That list is actually long and I might try to update. I just feel like it's unfair not to mention the other authors when I mentioned some in the first place.

      • I bawled my eyes out reading that book as well. Quite thankful “Road Trip” wasn’t angst-filled and I’m looking forward to “Baby’s on Fire.” XD That one might be angst-filled. Who knows? XD

        There is one book written by Henley that made me surpass the tears I cried for “The Chase and the Catch.” That’ll be “Sonata.” That is one gut-wrenching book for me. =)

  1. Haha, thanks for telling me. I’m sure I’ll cry my eyes out with that as well. I’m such a crybaby. Lol.

    I’ll be sure to read it, just not right now. I do plan to read all of his works so… 😀

  2. Hi Jho. Thanks for nominating me friend. I love your answers. They made me smile and understand you a bit more 🙂

    I’ll try to have one posted as soon as I manage to collect blogs to nominate, things to ask and clever way to answer your questions. Hehehe

    • Thanks for reading my answers, friend. ❤ Looking forward to reading yours. 🙂 Collecting blogs to nominate is kinda tricky, there are some whose book reviews I follow but they don’t blog. Lol. Kuya D for one. Then there was Neil and Arbin, but there wasn’t much reviews on their blogs.

    • Thanks for dropping by again and for reading my answers, Claire! Glad you loved them. I enjoyed answering your questions. ❤ Actually, I enjoyed the entire process. 😀 But more than that, I'm happy for the nomination so, thank you. 🙂

      Books and reading were essential part of my life. I don’t think I’d be the person that I am today without it. Re: Harry and Hermione, it was such a pity… my only consolation is that JK Rowling hold the same regrets for the two. Lol. 😛

  3. Hi Jho! It’s been a while! Thanks for nominating me 🙂

    I just love your children’s books answer. I love Velveteen Rabbit (still cry over it from time to time), and Hope for the Flowers is one of the books I grew up with. I let my family here read Brightest, and they all loved it, by the way. Wonderful book, that one 🙂 Cheers!

    • Hi DC! It’s really been a while, hasn’t it? 🙂 I’ve missed you. I apologize for losing out of touch, a lot has happened.

      With that said, thank you so much for dropping by and for reading my answers. I’m quite excited to read yours. Happy to know you love the children’s books I mentioned. ❤ The Velveteen Rabbit is very dear to me. I discovered it when I was in college (through Dadufalza's Reading into Writing II) at the height of my depression. I used to read it a lot then. I guess back then, I huge part of me wanted to be a part of something like the Rabbit.

  4. Pingback: My Second Liebster #Blog Award and My Favourite #Reads | Author Junying Kirk

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