Excerpt ~ Blood Thirst, an Eternal Romance by Dormaine G.

Octavia, a human, appeared into this world with a mysterious past unknown to even her. Victor a cultured man of influential prestige was born a savage vampire. They should have never been but their attraction was so profound neither could deny their love.

“Tell me to stop and I will.” He came to stand in front of her after hearing no more words of resistance cross her lips.

In a split second, he wished he could sire her and take her for his own. He wanted to tell her everything. This world, his world, about vampires, but he could not.

Victor gripped her face within his palms. “I cannot let you go. I will not,” he exhaled, caressing her lips. “But if you want me to, I will leave you be. Forever…”

“This is madness…” Octavia gazed up at him speechless. She tried to resist him, but the words of refute would not flow.

“And I cannot breathe when you are not near. I cannot think when you are not by my side. The last few days have been murderous knowing that I could not have you” He kissed her, not allowing her to refuse him.

He would never let her go.


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As he made his way towards the woods, Victor remembered that feeling of freedom. The night had always been his, to do what he wanted. Throughout the years, he’d missed being pure animal, but he had mostly missed the pursuit of a victim.

The chase—hearing the hurried pounding of staggering feet when a prey learns, at that very second, that vampires do exist. At that moment, nothing mattered but the sound of that beating heart as he’d zoned in on what would inevitably be a kill.

He’d let them run in the belief that they’d escaped this living nightmare, but it was a false hope Victor bestowed upon them. Cruel as it was, it was most exhilarating to listen to them scamper from afar.

Once captured, the rush soared through Victor’s icy veins when he saw the horrid fear in his captive’s eyes. Their pupils dilated. Their lips quivered. Their raspy breaths escaped. Some managed to scream, others choked on the lavish feast they had ingested. The more they feared, the more adrenaline filled their bodies, making the kill so much more exquisite. At the moment right before death, Victor always found it to be breathtakingly beautiful. Victor always had a way of picking the best hunts. His were always the ghastliest. The bloodiest. Young women were always his favorite to stalk and torture.

There was never a time when he didn’t have a different woman in his bed several nights a week. There were many women, and they were all at his disposal.

But the parties halted one treacherous night, so very long ago.


About the Author

Dormaine was born in Long Island, New York where she lived most of her life. As an adult she liked to travel out of the country though her favorite places to explore were her fantasy worlds as an author. She may be a nurse by profession but her heart has always belonged to writing. As a young child she spent many Saturdays in the library nurturing her love for books. There she discovered her fascination for the science fiction genre, through books, movies and graphic novels.

Now she resides in Colorado with her husband and two feisty dogs. After many years of working in hospitals and travel nursing she took time off to pursue a career in writing. Her first novel “Connor” is in one of her favorite genres, young adult urban fantasy. Her second love is for horror of which she created the “Madame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess” series. This is just the start of her exploration as she stays locked up her office in Colorado spinning more tales.

Blog: http://dormainegblog.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorDormaineg/?ref=hl
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/dormaineg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dormaineg
Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/Dormaine-G/e/B00HNE9GOC

Crowdfunding & book reading for medical expenses among others

I am crowdfunding for my sister Ate Mae’s medical expenses and for the funding of a small business. She’s scheduled for a thyroid operation this October 22 at the PGH and after that, we’d love to put up a small eatery.

Ate Mae works at a hardware store (I, on the other hand, am a freelance writer) but for the longest time we’ve been wanting to put up our own business. As fate would have it, with another cousin. Our first cousin Nikki had to resign from her call center work due to—guess what? Goiter, like Ate (apparently this runs in the family as my brother had surgery years back for the same reason).

Goiter makes swallowing and speaking difficult which is why Nikki, or Neneng as we fondly call her, had to resign from work. She’s currently undergoing her own series of checkups.

Anyway, we wanted to give back also and that is why my friend—author Joanne Crisner—and I, did book reading last Sunday, Sept 18, 2016 at Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School’s select first and second grade pupils.

Before the book reading, there was a brief lesson where the pupils were divided into groups. Three kids were assigned to us and I watched as Jo taught them how to read the alphabet plus a few words (sorry, I’m not much of a teacher). It was fun, watching the children as they learn.

The volunteers who teach the kids are members of SFC Cornerstone. They tutor the kids tirelessly every Sunday without fail. If that is not kindness, passion, and dedication I don’t know what that is.

After the lesson, Jo read the book out loud to the kids then we distributed copies, we shared a meal, closed the day the way we started: with a prayer and then went on our separate ways. Another day over but the joy will forever remain in my heart.

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My sincere thanks to my friend Jo, everyone in SFC Cornerstone, friends and cousins who helped us including those who sponsored books for the kids, my nephew Jonrae who helped me bring the books, and the kiddies for listening to our story! 🙂

We have yet to hit the target so I am sharing my crowdfunding link in case there are readers out there who can help us. ❤


We’ll be at Virlanie this coming Friday for another book reading, this time with children’s author Athena Austria.

Thank you for reading this blog entry! 🙂

Blog Tour: What About Today by Dawn Lanuza ~ Guest Post

Writing Habits that I Picked Up from Writing What About Today

What About Today is my second novella. It’s one of the products of Mina V. Esquerra’s class, #BuqoYA. We were given five weeks to finish our stories then, and I was able to finish on time (with a little bit to spare!).

As I was determined to finished a story for the class, I picked up a couple of writing habits that I still find handy with writing my next novels.

  1. Setting a clear deadline. Because we were in a class, we were given a clear deadline. When I was writing my first book, The Boyfriend Backtrack, I gave myself a deadline, but it was a bit loose, so naturally, I moved it around for a couple of weeks. I still struggle with this, honestly, but I think it really helps if you check your progress every once in a while and really circle a date in your calendar. Toughening it up with the deadline helps get the job done.
  2. Assigning Pegs. I found pegs very useful while writing WAT because I was writing in third person but was switching POVs. I didn’t want the characters to sound like the same person, so I’ve learned to watch videos of my pegs. From there, I get to pick up some of their habits and quirks, and this ultimately helped me get back to the groove and vibe of the character and the story.
  3. Having a writing routine/schedule. There are a couple of articles online that collated writers’ routines and rituals. When I was writing WAT, I pushed myself to write something every night (after dinner), even if I wasn’t feeling it. I’d get myself to write even a couple of sentences/ paragraphs, sometimes I’ll just let my characters talk. This helped me keep my momentum.
  4. Writing with the end in mind. I wrote the ending of this story while I was still in the middle of it. I’m not much of an outliner, I’m more of a pantser, but I think when you already know what kind of ending you want to have for your story, it’s easier to fill in everything else.
  5. Writing drunk, editing sober (that’s Hemingway, but internet says it’s not). I think it’s great that when you start, you get so drunk on your story that you just write it. You don’t think about the details so much, you just write, write, write. But once you’re ready to take a look at it with a different eye – right before you send it out to your beta readers/ editors, it’s better that you condition yourself to not get too attached to the material. There will be scrapping involved, there always is especially from a first draft, so I suck it up and stick with the bits that work, and get rid of what doesn’t.

And that’s it! I hope to you find at least one of these tips work for you- but if not, just experiment. It’s what I did, and am still doing. It also really helps to have a community aka a support group when you write, just so you don’t drive yourself mad in the whole process. Writing is a never ending learning experience and I think as long as you’re having fun with it, then it’s worth your time. 🙂


About the Book

Aiden’s stuck working for his family’s amusement park, Funtastic World, for the whole summer. Nothing amuses him, until he met this terrified girl.

Gemma’s stuck in Funtastic World thinking she could handle the park’s rides. She couldn’t. Good thing she met someone to guide her.

As the day comes to a close, Aiden and Gemma ask themselves if one day is ever enough to decide if they were better off as friends or strangers.

* This story is currently available on BuqoYA Bundle 4: Heart Choices.


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Gemma glanced at her watch and remembered that she was supposed to catch the bus heading back home at 7 in the evening. It’s already 5. Did she really spend a lot of time staring at The Big Red Dragon earlier? Or did she take too much time at the gift shop to buy nothing?

She started feeling like two hours wouldn’t be enough to complete everything. Could she maybe extend? Then again, how would leaving play out exactly?

“Alright, I need to go” isn’t going to cut it. She and Aiden already had moments. Now they’re in this limbo between being strangers and friends. They weren’t exactly strangers, but they weren’t friends just yet.

Plus they’re in an amusement park. They just met. Did it count for something?

She wished this could be more of a train incident where people smiled at each other when one offered a seat and that’s the end of that. They all get off their stops.

And if she and Aiden were ever going to be friends, in the real sense of the word after today, how’s that going to work? They’re going to stay in touch by texting? Chatting online? It all seemed superficial. It was not like meeting someone in school; she’s required to see that person almost every day, which made being friends with someone almost compulsory. But meetings like these…what did one do with them?

File them to chance encounters. 

About the Author

Dawn Lanuza has been imagining and writing love stories since she was a kid. She works for the music industry by day, and writes about meet cutes and snappy comebacks by night. She writes short stories, chick lit and young-adult fiction. She has a degree in Development Communication from the University of the Philippines.
